Sherlock Holmes Stories In Malayalam Pdf 27 REPACK
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56 short stories and four novels are the complete works of Sherlock Holmes, a fictional private detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle[^2^]. The stories are set in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and feature Holmes and his loyal friend and assistant, Dr. John Watson, solving various mysteries and crimes with their brilliant observation and deduction skills.
These stories have been translated into many languages, including Malayalam, and have inspired countless adaptations and adaptations in various media. In Malayalam, the first complete collection of Sherlock Holmes stories was published by Mathrubhumi Books in 2020[^1^]. The collection contains all the 60 stories of Holmes, including four that were discovered later by researchers[^1^]. The stories are translated by various writers, such as C.V. Balakrishnan, K.P.R. Nair, K.P. Sudheera, M.T. Vasudevan Nair, P.K. Parakkadavu, P.R. Nathan, Ravi Menon, Sajeev Kumarapuram, Sreekumaran Thampi, T.P. Rajeevan and V.K. Sreelesh[^1^].
If you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes or want to enjoy some thrilling and captivating stories in Malayalam, you can download the PDF version of the collection from this link: The PDF file contains 27 stories from the first two books of the collection: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes[^1^]. You can read them online or offline on your device and enjoy the adventures of the world's most famous detective.
The PDF file is free to download and share, but please respect the copyright of the authors and publishers and do not use it for commercial purposes.
Happy reading!
Some of the most popular and memorable stories of Sherlock Holmes are included in the PDF file. For example, you can read \"A Scandal in Bohemia\", where Holmes meets the clever and beautiful Irene Adler, who outwits him and earns his respect. Or you can read \"The Red-Headed League\", where Holmes unravels a bizarre scheme involving a pawnbroker with red hair and a bank robbery. Or you can read \"The Final Problem\", where Holmes faces his arch-enemy, the criminal mastermind Professor Moriarty, in a deadly confrontation at the Reichenbach Falls.
These stories are not only entertaining, but also educational. They show you how Holmes uses his logical reasoning and scientific methods to solve the most complex and mysterious cases. They also give you a glimpse of the Victorian era, with its social customs, historical events, and cultural references. You can learn a lot from reading these stories and improve your vocabulary, grammar, and general knowledge.
If you like these stories, you can also check out the other books of the collection, which contain more stories of Sherlock Holmes and his adventures. You can buy them online or from your nearest bookstore. You can also watch some of the movies and TV shows based on these stories, such as the Sherlock Holmes films starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, or the Sherlock series starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. You can compare and contrast how different adaptations portray the characters and the stories. aa16f39245